2025 Take the Throne session, Woman empowerment DEPOSIT


Everyone dreams of being empowered in their own way, but it's much harder than it sounds. When you say you're empowered, it means you're confident in your own self-worth and you don't let yourself be defined by your mistakes or past.

Being empowered means you're strong and capable enough to go after your own goals and achieve them in your own way. It's being the voice that people need, especially when they can't speak up for themselves or find the right words.

It’s all about my woman hood and showing everyone the Queen inside.
And not only for me, for all my friends.

Let me take you on this journey with me and place you in the throne you deserve.
These sessions include use of all gowns, crowns, jewelry, and client closet, and my white and gold THRONE and all the sets going up for these!!

Throne sessions are $895 after deposit and include 15 digital images of art in color and b&w.